Allergies are one of the leading causes of diseases in USA. The annual amount spent on allergies in USA is $18 billion. Allergies could get complicated and even ruin a person's life. Allergies generally mean over reaction or hyper sensitivity to a certain substance or product. The substance could make a person sneeze, wheeze or create rashes etc.
Allergies have also been linked to many respiratory diseases. Sinus, Asthma, Bronchitis are some diseases that are caused by allergies. Allergies can be managed by taking precautionary measures. Some allergic reactions can be very bad. Allergies can also be inherited like balding. Some people are allergic to specific allergens, some to soy, milk, fish etc. Like adults, children and infants are also allergic to certain substances. Cows milk allergy is very common in children. If a child is allergic to cows milk, as a substitute they are provided soymilk. More than 50% of children develop allergies to soymilk.
Allergies due to dust and pollution are very common nowadays. The dust particles enter the nose and make a person sneeze. It could also lead to other diseases like bronchitis and asthma. Allergies due to pollution, candle smoke, incense stick etc could create various upper respiratory problems. People with upper respiratory problems have itching in the throat and ear also. Breathing difficulty could also exist. At home, dust particles in the mattress, pillows etc could also lead to allergies. Even domestic cats and dogs hair could lead to allergies. Consult your physician if you are allergic to any substance immediately. |